Part & Quality Plans
Quality Plans
Quality planning is important! Upload your drawings, bubble them, and generate inspections sheets. Link Process Flow, FMEA's, and Control Plans right to each part.
Automated bubbling and data extraction coming soon!
Pricing Overview
Free and premium plans that grow with you. Editions starting at:
- $0/month (USD) Free
- $99/month (USD) Starter
- $150/month (USD) Professional
What You'll Love
- Print Bubbling
- Inspection Sheets (incoming, in process, final, FAI, AS9102C)
- Process Flow
- Control Plans
- Analytics
Improve your inspection process
All your data in one place
Create all the inspection sheets you need and have them ready for anyone who needs them. Ditch the paper forms.
Key Features:
Automated print bubbling and data extraction (coming soon!)Centralize all inspection data
SPC analytics (coming soon)